I am not even going to pretend that I am not weird, or a
little of an oddball.
As emotionally exhausting, and alienating as that can be a
lot of the time, it also gives me wonderful insights into things and allows me
to look at situations from a different perspective.
A random strand of this is that I am a very creative person.
A unusual thing happened when I was on social media recently, and I came across someone’s twitter account. I instantly found myself developing a
little online crush on someone (which is not the first time this happened) and
so I scrolled through their account.
The more I scrolled the more the journalist in me was unleashed, trying to figure out if this person batted for my team - using their pictures and tweets to decide if there was a homosexual
undertone to anything they put out.
I instantly became uninterested in this person when my research showed me they were heterosexual.
In my mind, their opinions on an array of subjects was no longer interesting. It lost that dynamic and complex layer of
thinking that I had interpreted as being there.
The person just became another cisgender
heterosexual male, who I am sure is intelligent, cool and has something
that makes them idiosyncratic, but whatever that was I could no longer see it.
Something that made them stand out in my mind, vanished.
It was in that moment this new word pop into my
The word would come from putting the roots of heterosexual (hetero) and bored (bor) together to come up with this word –heteroboria.

I was being a little tongue-in-cheek and made a picture of
this Theo-ism (a theo-ism because my name is Theo and it is something I made
Once I did this, I spammed all my friends with my creativity
saying “Look at how genius I am at coming up with this NEW word”.
My friends indulged me, and appreciated how weird I was being, but while chatting with a fellow gay friend, he pointed out that a few days
before he had experienced the same type of feeling.
He was having a chat with someone else and in this
conversation he had ended up describing the feeling of heteroboria.
Besides feeling validated, I could only just laugh about it.
While this word is probably not going to redefine the use of
the English language, and I will probably not receive any awards for it, I can
at least appreciate the fact that my unique perspective on this allows me to
come up with such eclectic things.
If nothing else comes from this, I can rest contently knowing
that I created a word that entertained the loved ones in my life, and made
someone smile.
Yours Sincerely,
The Lion Mutters
PS – While I can admit to not have the best grammar, and my
spelling isn’t always flawless, it is trippy seeing the number of times the
word heterboria was underlined as I typed this. Lol.
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