Anyone who has seen my most recent posts on social media has been bound to pick up on the fact that I am currently feeling extra emotional.
I am just not in a happy space.
There is a number of contributing factors to this, some of which I don’t really feel like I fully understand. I feel like I am at the beginning of a quarter life crisis – which is actually a legitimate thing surprisingly.
Maybe 2016 is just meant to be a more emotionally challenging year for me? I don’t know if it is true, but it certainly feels that way to me.
The older I seem to get, the more I feel like issues that I thought I had dealt with over the years are rearing their heads causing more shit for myself. Like I had just put paint over the cracks and now they are reopening.

Basically, I am just not feeling it.
I’ve recently found myself noticing the generic “How are you doing?” question that always starts every conversation. I, of course, answer with the “Good thanks and you?” without really meaning it because often, people don’t really care how you are and they are just being polite and additionally, it also moves the conversation along.
However, with people who I care enough about, I answer the question honestly, saying: “I don’t know”.
It catches people off guard; and while it could be construed as an attention seeking ploy, that doesn’t matter to me because I am being honest.
It is not that I am uncertain of how I am feeling, but rather I find myself uncertain of why I am feeling the way I do - trying to experience the happiness that I find in everyday life, while simultaneously, feeling a sadness weigh heavy on my heart. It is exhausting.
Further complicating things for myself is that I am a bad liar.
I can be a great liar when I put effort into in, and use my high school drama skills, but I do not have a heart to lie. I would rather avoid telling someone something than lying to them. My face is also pretty easy to read – the emotions are very easy to read on my face.
It takes so much effort for me to fake a “don’t worry, I am fine” and it is something that I have to do when at work. Going on a story or out of the office is a lot easier to “fake” it, because you have to be professional. You are doing a job and meeting people, focusing on them so it is easy to not think about what you are feeling.
However when you are in the office, it is a bit harder.
People will say “Don’t be miserable” and “Smile a little” which I totally understand because newsrooms can be a bit depressing. No one wants to be surrounded by miserable and grumpy people who make things difficult for other people.
I get it.
The issue for me however, is that people need to be a little more sensitive when just blurting out “Don’t be miserable” because someone might be going through something or is not at their best and by telling them to not be miserable, you are being insensitive and inconsiderate about what they are feeling.
Faking happiness can only work so long. It doesn’t always work.
There is a lot happening with me, and it sometimes I don’t always want to speak about it or tell people about it. Sometimes I just want to be and figure my shit out. I actually went for a random 30 minutes walk during my lunch hour recently and it was a walk that had no purpose but it helped me.
If you ask me how I am doing and I go - “I don’t know” - just know that I care enough about you to answer it honestly, but also don’t feel compelled to ask if you don’t want to know, or get upset by a vague non-answer.
I am just rolling with the punches.
Theo. Over and Out.
PS- Do note that if I do look like I do need a hug, I will never object or reject a hug. Hugging is awesome and has been proven to help people feel better. #TeamHugsForTheWin
I have days when I feel this way. It's okay not to be okay. For some parts of your existence, it really is okay not to have a clue how you are getting through your days. And I've learned to be patient with myself when it comes to this. And I don't want to be asked,"what's the matter?" Because I'd still be trying to figure that out. So be patient with yourself, Theo.
I have days when I feel this way. It's okay not to be okay. For some parts of your existence, it really is okay not to have a clue how you are getting through your days. And I've learned to be patient with myself when it comes to this. And I don't want to be asked,"what's the matter?" Because I'd still be trying to figure that out. So be patient with yourself, Theo.